Drum Roll Please: Album: Land of Broken Dreams by Mojo


Ok, I’m an asshole for not posting this earlier. I apologize. I mean I released it like ten days ago.. you guys should’ve been the first to hear it but I’ve been bad about blogging.

Here it goes, finally, after 10 years of trial and error, here’s my start:

If you like what you’re hearing, you can download it on bandcamp: mojoiam.bandcamp.com

If you’re feeling extra supportive please go like my tracks on soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/mojoiam/sets/land-of-broken-dreams

I worked really hard on this music for over 10 months. It’s very personal to me and my journey. I’ll write soon about the stories inspiring the music. Please share these links with your friends. It’s the only way to find out if people like it or not. Thank you for all your support!